four reason why i am unemployed

Searching for this answer from 2014. Now I know a little bit why I am unemployed. I Completed my graduation in with 47%. Now people say with this percentage who will give you a job. Yes, my percentage is low but I am among that 25 students out of 150 who clear I am telling about my percentage because I am among that 80 % of youth who suffer a lot due to a percentage. I have 4 reasons for unemployment.

4 reason why I am unemployed.
1. society
3. education system
4. government

1. Society- a society play very important role for employment. Everyone wants a job which not only gives him money but also respect, In my society only job which gives you both is defence job. No matter you are graduate or master if you are in defence after 10th you achieve what a PhD. can't. Same case in every society, not only mine.  And this I the reason why there are very few people with high-rank jobs and business in my area. if you ever face the same problem you will understand what I am talking about.

2. Family- our parents are also the part of same society so they are too a reason for unemployment. I don't want to explain it. Everyone face that pressures from parents. In my case, my parents did everything for me according to our society. They try to give me what they don't get in there childhood and problem start from there.

3. Education system- this is the main reason for everyone unemployment. We are that software which is not updated and now virus hangs them. our education system is not updated since the 20th century. so it is not our fault for being stupid and careless. And don't try to defend our education system. we only create dump graduate every year who only want to get a job in their life. even they are underemployed they don't care they only want a job happy to work as the slave.

4. Government- Government is also one of the main reason for this. But its the 4th on the list because in class 8th I study "government is formed by the people to serve in their interest" so what people want the government to do the same. we blame our children for not getting the job so the government. no one question why our education budget is low. So government don't rise it. we don't complain about government school condition so they don't care about it. we care about our military budget so government raise it. we care about Kashmir so the government did surgical strike. So what we want the government to do for us.

There is one more reason for my unemployment. I don't want to be underemployment. I can't accept 10000 for a work of  25000. I can't compromise like other. I give my 100% then I want 100% in return. don't want to be exploited by the person in name of employment. It good to work on my farm then doing a job which can't even pay according to my work.


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